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Sunday 22 January 2012

Apple Butter

Apple Butter

Apple Butter, uuuummmmm, uuummmmh. Another slow-cooker recipe. I always have fruits in my fruit basket. Always. And one of the fruits that I always have is apple. And what do you do with tons of over-ripe, left-over apples? -----you make them into Apple Butter! If you don't know what apple butter is, well its Apples in a creamy version but much better.  It has the consistency of an apple sauce/ jam texture but thicker, creamier and delicious. I can tell you that you'll want to slather  this apple butter on just about anything that is well, slatherable! I usually just eat it by the spoonful. Fills me right up. It's sweet, thick and reminiscent of apple pie. I love apple pie. 


10 apples or so {I use a mix of apples; Gala, burnbrae, macintosh- use as many as you want}
1 cup honey or 1 cup sugar {you can adjust the sugar if the apples are sweet enough}
2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 ground cloves
1/4 tsp. nutmeg {optional}
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. vanilla extract {optional}


Slice and core apples. {you can peel the apples, I prefer with the skin on, more fibers}
Throw all the ingredients in the slow cooker and let it simmer on high or low heat for 5-6 hours or longer, and let simmer. Stirring on occasions.

All in one pot.

The house smells so great.

5-6 hours later, it should look like this.......all mushy and tender.

Using your immersion blender, puree the mixture until smooth in consistency. {you can do it right off the crock pot or transfer the mixture to a blender}. Be careful with the immersion blender, I had to scrap off the splatters on my cabinets! 

Allow to cool completely and transfer to airtight containers to refrigerate or freeze. Refrigerating it can last up to 2-3 weeks- I highly doubt it can last this long.

10 apples yielded a full jar for me. You can canned the apple butter mixture, {check canning instructions}, this can lasts up to 2 years.

Apple Butter! This is so easy to make and has lots of uses. You can spread it on toasts, or croissants. Spread it over ice cream. Use as a filling for crepes. Serve with pork chops. Or just eating it plain by the spoonfuls for breakfast. Need I convince you more? Enjoy Apple buttering!

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