Welcome to My Blog!

The Adventures begin from here on and now...

Saturday 12 November 2011

First Entry to Blogging

Not much to say except quite excited to start blogging. This is one of the few things I have always wanted to do, but never got the chance to get around to it, but here I go... I just joined the bandwagon! Not that it's bad, but it sure is another way in getting myself busy, and maybe give a new perspective on things that interests me, that irritates, or just random ideas to put out there that I read, seen, heard or done. This is definitely not one of those boring blogs that goes on and on and on, and on about things that are BORING! that at the end or before you read it or got to the point, you have fallen asleep! or just got really pissed off! This is going to be a witty, humorous, sarcastically funny and hopefully make someone smile as they read this. Cheers as you browse around!


  1. Nice one! I will surely find time to read your blogs...

  2. Thanks 2A! Will sure to make my blog interesting.

  3. Welcome to the blogging world!

  4. Thanks Melissa! It's addicting! I have a few posts ready to go.
