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Saturday 7 January 2012

Arancini di Riso: Risotto Balls stuffed with mozzarella cheese

Arancini di Riso

I have leftovers Zucchini Risotto from the other day and not wanting to waste food as keeping with my new year's resolution, I peruse thru the internet for what to do with leftovers risotto, and whalla! my fingers did the walking and up came these risotto balls recipe or Arancini  di Riso as appropriately called by Italians. 

Roll leftover risotto into balls and pressed mozzarella cheese in the center and roll it up again and dip in egg wash and coat balls in breadcrumbs or panko crumbs.{I used my homemade bread crumbs I made- yes, I make my own breadcrumbs!, I'm that OCD in the kitchen- I don't even trust the professionals with their breadcrumbs}. They are easy to make, so why buy it. {use stale bread, buy your favorite bread and bake stale old bread at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, let cool and pulse bread in food processor until fine. Add herbs or spices to the bread crumbs mixture as you like and store in airtight container and use when needed}.

I combined mozzarella, and cheddar cheese in the center.

What an ingenious way to transform left over risotto into a  new dish altogether. The Italians do know their food. 

Arancini di Riso! Makes a fantastic appetizer.  Could this be the best snack, ever?

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