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Sunday 22 January 2012

Pork Chops for the Slow Cooker

Pork Chops 

The weather dipped to closed to -40 this week and its freezing! Been too busy with life and everything in between aswell! So my time in the kitchen these past few days have been limited. The more better excuse to take my out my slow-cooker. I rarely use my slow-cooker, and I truly appreciate it more so now...and of course it was given to me by John- he always get me a cool gadget or tools in the kitchen without me asking it. He knows how I love kitchen tools or anything with kitchen stuff. Really, it dawned on me why I never use it in the kitchen as much. Well, its going to get some using this week. Here's a pork-chop recipe for you to try. It's tender and smackingly delicious.

6-8 pork chops
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. ground ginger
salt and pepper
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 tsp. garlic powder or 3 cloves of garlic
1/2 cup rice wine vinegar or vinegar will do
1 cup ketchup

Throw all the ingredients in the crock-pot on high or low heat and let simmer for 5-6 hours. Stirring on occasions. 

The house smells amazing.......

*********I rarely use my crock-pot due to the fact, I'm always scared leaving it "ON" for  hours. I always use it when I'm around at home. Despite, what everyone says, "you can walk-away and leave it  for few hours", I always treat the slow-cooker as a stove, and it shouldn't be leaf unattended.{just my preference}.

Pork Chops! Yummo. This is really fork tender and delicious. I shouldn't say more, just go ahead and try this recipe for yourself at home.

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