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Monday 9 January 2012


Taho- Silken Tofu

Taho is a famous street food back home in the Philippines. It consists of silken tofu, brown sugar syrup, and tapioca or sago pearls. This is enjoyed as a breakfast drink or a snack mostly in the morning or anytime of the day. It has a sweet custard like texture from the tofu, and  sweet brown sugar syrup with chewy, crunchy  tapioca pearls. I remember, early morning in Makati where I stayed I would always have taho in the mornings before I get to my bus ride. I always ask for extra tapioca pearls. I remember when we were little, we eagerly await the taho vendor- "Tahooooooooooo" and we run outside with our spare change and our own mugs {the bigger the better} and you get priced according to your mug size. Here's a quick recipe for this. I'm not really sure whether to classify this as a drink or a food. You be the judge. 


1 package of silken tofu {you can find this at your local grocery stores}
tapioca pearls {optional}
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbsp. water

Get a great quality silken tofu.


Cook tapioca pearls per package directions. Set aside and let cool.
In a sauce pan, heat sugar and 1 tbsp. water on a medium heat, make sure the sugar is all melted and brown or caramel color. Let completely cool and set aside.
Place silken tofu in a heat proof mug, cover mug with a cling wrap or a saucer plate to prevent water from coming in and place on a steamer and steamed for 15 mins. {You can also use the microwave for this- microwave it for 1-2 minutes}. I prefer the steaming method as it yields better result. Remove mug from steamer and top with sugar syrup and tapioca pearls. Serve it while warm.  

Brown sugar caramel. Take sugar syrup  from heat when it turns amber in color.

If you are curious about this, try it! you might be surprised you might like this. Tofu is a great source of protein by the way.

I didn't have tapioca pearls, but I didn't seemed to mind it. It still gave me the reminiscent  sweet, sticky, brown sugar syrupy flavor.

I got my Taho fix today, mmmmmmh. Yum.

Tahoooooo! I could hear the vendor screaming. I'm pretty sure everyone has their Taho stories to tell growing up enjoying this treat. Tahooooooo!

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