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Sunday 18 December 2011

Gnocchi with Carrot Ribbons and Parsley Brown Butter

Gnocchi with Carrot Ribbons and Parsley Brown Butter
I was inspired to do this recipe when a co-worker made this. So I head out and scowered the grocery and found the gnocchi. I didn't think it was hard to find this ingredient but  it was. I found this ingredient in the pasta isle of the grocery store. {You could make your own but hey, the store bought one is easier as long as you get a good quality one- I use the Italian Scarpone brand}. 


1 pound fresh or frozen gnocchi
1 tbsp. butter
1 small onions or shallots
2-3 carrots {thinly sliced, and peeled like a ribbons}
1 pint cherry tomatoes
salt and pepper to taste
Mixed vegetables {optional}

Keep a close eye on these gnocchi. The minute they start floating on top of the boiling water- they're cooked.


Bring water to a boil and cook gnocchi until they float to the surface, about 2-3 minutes or per package directions. Drain and set aside.
On a large skillet melt butter until brown about 2 minutes. Add shallots/onions, garlic and carrots until softened. Add tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste.{add mixed vegetables-optional}. Add parsley and gnocchi and toss to coat. Serve warm. {I like it a day after, the flavors are deepr and tastier}.

*****to make "ribbon-thin" carrots, use a peeler or a mandolin.{use a hand guard when using a mandolin}.

You can use regular tomatoes- just cut them in halves.

Gnocchi {gnoccho-singular}, are soft pillowy dumplings that are either made out of semolina, wheat flour, eggs, potato and cheese. Small gnocchi are called "gnocchetti". They are eaten first as a first course alternative to a soup. 

These smelled so great.

Pillow-soft gnocchi.

Melt in your mouth gnocchi!

Gnocchi with Carrots Ribbons and Parsley Brown Butter! Enjoy your gnocchi!

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