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Monday 12 December 2011

Personalized Cards and Cookie Give-Away

Personalized Cards and Cookie Give-Away

Personalized your cards with your favorite cookies. They are great and truly says a lot about you. You can bake different kinds of cookies you like or favorite cookies of the person you're sending it to. For this one, I  used the Ginger Molasses recipe.{Ginger Molasses Cookies}. This cookie last for 2 weeks, and keeps really well and pretty tasty as I may say so.;). This cookie appeals to everyone and who doesn't want a ginger molasses cookie? 

Personalized your stickers with your message; something short and sweet will do. Wrap cookies with seams down and cover it with your personalized sticker messages. I used a cling wrap to wrap these cookies- I like that you can actually see what your getting, and it looks too pretty to cover up.

These cookies and its presentation look really great and a lot of people really liked it.

They look so cute! You can makes these for birthdays, or party favors as guests leave. Just personalize your messages.

You can also use a mini-favor bag and attach the sticker on the closing seam. You can get clear stickers at your craft stores or use a label sticker. You can use a label maker or print your labels with your message/messages. I like hand writing the messages with my Calligraphy skills. It makes it more special.

Who says you have to spend a lot to give some?

I gave my cards with these cookies. Read your card and eat your cookie too!

My calligraphy pen comes handy at this time of the year. I took drafting classes when I was in high school so my penmanship and hand writing skills are quite impeccable I may add- boasting aside.;).

Personalize your cards with a your favorite cookies! 

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