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Wednesday 23 November 2011

Banana Lemon Jam

Banana Lemon Jam

If you have old banana's and you've had enough of the regular banana muffin, don't waste them and make these banana jam instead. It's a cinch to make!


Banana {5-6 over ripe bananas or whatever you have on hand}
1-2 tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 cup sugar {more or less, adjust to taste}


Mashed bananas and combine the sugar. Bring to a boil for 10-15 minutes or until the sugar has completely dissolved. Pour the lemon juice and simmer to low for another 5-10 minutes. Let cool completely and store in a tight lid container.
This jam/preserve lasts for 2 weeks in the fridge. 

This is a perfect revamp to using over ripe bananas. No more banana muffins or cake. This is perfect for bread, pancakes or ice cream toppings.

You can also add strawberry's or any kind of berries to this preserve.

Banana Lemon Jam! Save those over ripe bananas for this recipe. Yummy.

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