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Saturday 12 November 2011

Lazy Saturday

I really didn't leave the bed today, except the occasional run to the kitchen to feed my sugar cravings, grabbing my plug ins for my computer, phone and all electronics to keep me from getting in and out of my bed. I was literally glued to the bed. It was such a gloomy day today. Bright and sunny in the morning and the gloomy, dark clouds rolled in after that. Contemplating whether to go to Ikea, not go to Ikea or stay in or not stay in, go malling or not go malling...I couldn't make up my mind. I ended up making an entry to my blog instead and oh, a spring roll cooking in between when I was becoming too stiff laying on the bed.  I made a  promised to John to keep him out of my blogs {we both believe that there are some things that should be kept private as private} I  will keep him out of my blogs as promised. and that's how its going to be. Maybe later on this might change.;)

My 3 Meyer Lemon Trees are all doing fine! Yay ! Thanks a many  to my friend Pearly, that graciously got it for me and dragged it all the way to Calgary from Vancouver. I've been asking another friend of mine for closed to 2 years for this, but it never happened. So some cash and a plate of coconut macaroons and  a double chocolate brownies was in order. I was indebted to her! Thank you again to my wonderful friend.  2 of the 3 plants that I got 5 months ago are with fruits- its amazing how one plant can produce this many flowers, my first one gave me 50 mini lemons, all dropped except 2 that are going strong! they are the size of a half tennis ball now. The 2nd plant had 30 flower buds, with 20  mini lemons, but only 3 lemons survived. My 3rd plant, the biggest of them all, has a tiny bud going on right now, so fingers crossed, there will be blooms going on at any point now. This last one rarely gets the direct sunshine, but I'm patient on this. They do look great inside the living room or any room, and the scent of the house smells intoxicating and lingering but not overpowering...in a good way- it smells like a Jasmine scent- which I love.

My Meyer Lemon Trees

My 2nd Lemon Tree, it has 3 lemons in it right now. {It started with 30 flowers, 20 mini lemons but only 3 survived}.

My 1st Lemon Tree, it had 50 lemons to start, but only 2 lemons survived.

I love my Meyer Lemon Trees!

I saw this picture randomly yesterday, and it reminded me of the strong, smart, women I have gotten to know so closely when I was in Regina. I still keep in touch with them, though we don't talk regularly, we just kinda understood each other...strange but its true. We just pick up where we left off when I talk to any one of these woman. I miss their friendship and company!  I miss you all terribly.

Yesterday was my 10 years in Canada!  I will always remember it as it coincides with November 11, Remembrance Day!  It also reminds me every year of the sacrifice of the brave soldiers that laid their life to have the freedom we have now. Thank you and we salute you!

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